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发布日期:2024-01-03 浏览量:


Journal Articles

1. Huailiang Zhang; Yan Zhou; Minghui Jiang; Effects of Strategic Choices for the Postmerger Manufacturer on Supply Chain Members, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2022, 2022: 1-12.

2. Huailiang Zhang; Yan Zhou; Minghui Jiang; When to choose market foreclosure and vertical mergers with substitutable final products, Kybernetes, 2021, 51(9): 2733-2752.

Conference Presentations

1. Huailiang Zhang (2023). Optimal Decision-Making of Green Supply Chain with Complementary Products. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM 2023), Nanchang, China.

2. Huailiang Zhang (2023). Research on the Operation and Coordination Strategy of Green Dual-Channel Supply Chain. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2023). Harbin, China.


1. 2013-2016, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 2023SK01). Award: CNY 40,000

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